Thursday, January 30, 2014

Networked Library?

While reading chapter 3, I kept thinking to myself: "How can I use these tools in the library media center?" I firmly believe that I would rather students utilize these social tools in a controlled space where I can teach them how to use them appropriately. I think the example of Clarence's classroom network is one we should all think about with our own classroom networks. I believe one of the goals of the library is connecting patrons with resources. One way to accomplish this is using tools like Skype or Google hangouts to connect with research experts. Wouldn't it be awesome for a student to interview an expert on a topic instead of just reading an article. How much more impacting would that make the learning experience. My second goal is creating an environment of love of reading. I have taken part in a variety of author visits and nothing impacts a student reader more then establishing a connection. Especially when they realize it takes a lot of revisions to publish a book.
Being a new librarian I have slowly tried to integrate some new technology tools this year. I am currently working with third and fourth grade using Google Docs for collaborative research.  I have modeled using Edmodo for fifth grade book clubs. I was able to connect my school to another in my district so students could share their thoughts about books with each other. The students have been really excited utilizing all these new tools. It has been a bumpy road but I have some great ideas on how to make it better next year. Live and learn, right?
Chapter 3 makes an important point that we as educators need to utilize these tools and in order to be successful we need to share with our colleagues how awesome these tools can be in the classroom.  I agree with the authors of PLN, we need to "model safe and effective techniques for connecting and learning with others".


  1. First of all I apologize for the comment from "B" above….I didn't realize my husband was still signed in…OOPS!

    I love that you are incorporating technology into the library setting. Our librarian does a great job of teaching netiquette, but she doesn't teach the students how to use programs like Google Docs or Edmodo. Out of curiosity, does your school have an instructional technology facilitator? How long is each class section you have? Our students get to go to the library 50 mins 1-2 times per week.

  2. Jennifer,

    My district had instructional technology facilitators a few years ago, but due to budget cuts we no longer have them. I see every class for at least thirty minutes once a week. They do a fifteen minute mini lesson and then check out. I do have some flex time built into my schedule. I really feel it is important students learn how to use these various tech tools.
