Being in education, I have done a lot of reflection. As much as self reflection can be a little daunting, I feel we can't move forward with change unless we reflect upon the past. Starting a new position as a librarian this year I found myself analyzing daily lessons, procedures, and technology integration. In some cases completely changing a lesson for the next class until I have it right. When I get stuck I fall back upon my personal learning network to find new ideas. After completing my school year reflection today I felt really proud of my accomplishments but also have a list of goals for next year. I think reflection keeps you fresh and driven to learn and set new goals for yourself. I have been worried about completing my masters program this year and wondering how will I stay current on new technologies and strategies. Through the creation of my personal learning network with Feely, Diigo, and Twitter I have current ideas with just a click.
I think the one visual that accentuates my growth in personal learning networks is my twitter page. I had a twitter account prior to this class with two followers and one tweet. Though this course I have realized what a great tool twitter is in staying current with technology, education changes, and library updates. Yesterday, I participated in my first tweet chat and learned about several new tools I could incorporate in the classroom in under an hours time. Just amazing! I have found for me Twitter is a great tool to organize all the subjects I am interested in contained in one place.
I also have become a Twitter fan as a result of EDET543. Prior to this class I didn't use Twitter at all. Now, I find myself checking in when it is convenient for me, scanning through the tweets of people I'm following, exploring the most relevant tweets, and gaining information that is extremely beneficial. I have also found a few chats that I enjoy participating in. It has all become a fairly quick process. Best of all, it allows for individuality and can work with my schedule!